Primer 01: Code
Primer 01: Code
This page will provide a quick rundown of the basics of how kernels (think GPU programs) run. If you are already familiar with CUDA or OpenCL programs you can probably skip this.
To steal a quote from a very good talk that you should probably watch.
You cannot program the GPU like its a CPU You must pay attention to 3 things
Memory Access
Data Locality
A GPU is not a CPU
If you will allow a little bit of massive oversimplification, this is pretty easy to understand.
How does a CPU work?
A traditional processor has a very simple cycle: fetch, decode, execute.
It grabs an instruction from memory (the fetch), figures out how to perform said instruction (the decode), and does the instruction (the execute). This cycle then repeats for all the instructions in your algorithm. Executing this linear stream of instructions is fine for most programs because CPUs are super fast, and most algorithms are serial.
What happens when you have an algorithm that can be processed in parallel? A CPU has multiple cores, each doing its own fetch, decode, execute. You can spread the algorithm across all the cores on the CPU, but in the end each core will still be running a stream of instructions, likely the same stream of instructions, but with different data.
GPUs and CPUs both try to exploit this fact, but use two very different methods.
CPU | SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data.
CPUs have a trick for parallel programs called SIMD. These are a set of instructions that allow you to have one instuction do operations on multiple pieces of data at once.
Lets say a CPU has an add instruction:
Which would perform
RegA = RegB + RegA
The SIMD version would be:
Which would perform
RegA = RegE + RegA
RegB = RegF + RegB
RegC = RegG + RegC
RegD = RegH + RegD
All at once.
A clever programmer can take these instructions and get a 3x-8x performance improvement in very math heavy scenarios.
GPU | SIMT: Single Instruction Multiple Threads.
GPUs have SIMT. SIMT is the same idea as SIMD but instead of just doing the math instructions in parallel why not do all the instructions in parallel.
The GPU assumes all the instructions you are going to fetch and decode for 32 threads are the same, it does 1 fetch and decode to setup 32 execute steps, then it does all 32 execute steps at once. This allows you to get 32 way multithreading per single core, if and only if all 32 threads want to do the same instruction.
With this knowledge we can now talk about kernels. Kernels are just GPU programs, but because a GPU program is not a single thread, but many, it works a little different.
When I was first learning about kernels I had an observation that made kernels kinda click in my head.
Kernels and Parallel.For have the same usage pattern.
If you don’t know about Parallel.For it is a function that provides a really easy way to run code on every core of the CPU. All you do is pass in the start index, an end index, and a function that takes an index. Then the function is called from some thread with an index. There are no guarantees about what core an index is run on, or what order the threads are run, but you get a very simple interface for running parallel functions.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Load the data
int[] data = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
int[] output = new int[10_000];
//Load the action and execute
Parallel.For(0, output.Length,
(int i) =>
output[i] = data[i % data.Length];
Running the same program as a kernel is very similar:
using ILGPU;
using ILGPU.Runtime;
using ILGPU.Runtime.CPU;
public static class Program
static void Main()
// Initialize ILGPU.
Context context = Context.CreateDefault();
Accelerator accelerator = context.CreateCPUAccelerator(0);
// Load the data.
var deviceData = accelerator.Allocate1D(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });
var deviceOutput = accelerator.Allocate1D<int>(10_000);
// load / compile the kernel
var loadedKernel = accelerator.LoadAutoGroupedStreamKernel(
(Index1D i, ArrayView<int> data, ArrayView<int> output) =>
output[i] = data[i % data.Length];
// tell the accelerator to start computing the kernel
loadedKernel((int)deviceOutput.Length, deviceData.View, deviceOutput.View);
// wait for the accelerator to be finished with whatever it's doing
// in this case it just waits for the kernel to finish.
You do not need to understand what is going on in the kernel example to see that the Parallel.For code uses the same API. The major differences are due to how memory is handled.
Parallel.For and Kernels both have the same potential for race conditions, and for each you must take care to prevent them.